Folks younger than me, some even decades my junior, agree that Donald Trump would make a very bad president. I’d go so far as to say they consider him totally laughable in his quest to become the most powerful man on earth.
The fact that Trump is worth billions, according to him, seems his primary, if not only, reason for assuming he’s the perfect man for the job.
Mark Cuban, one of the wealthy entrepeneurs starring on TV’s reality show The Shark Tank explains why Trump is a “fake” billionaire in the youtube video below.
Trump’s net worth is north of 10 billion dollars, or so he says. However according to Cuban, Trump hasn’t got the cash to fund a presidential campaign. And after getting singed by numerous business bankruptcies, he’s not likely to trade in his personal stash to become our public servant, especially for a paltry presidential paycheck of $400,000 a year.
As we all know, going after the highest office in the land isn’t like getting elected high school class president. Money talks. Literally.
Look at what the networks are charging for ads…absurd figures like $3.5 million for a spot during the 2011 Super Bowl. Even 30-second spots on less visible programs cost in excess of $100,000 in 2011, according to AdWeek. It stands to reason that those costs have only escalated since then.
And with Trump bragging about his billions, who’s going to rush to give him more money?
The young woman in this youtube video and I have one thing in common…